In the lead up to and following the Congress there will be several satellite meetings and workshops, enhancing the overall experience of delegates who participate.
10-16 July 2023
The Galaxy Community Conference brings together researchers and software developers who use one of over 100 Galaxy services globally, to learn from each other, to teach each other and to continue to innovate the code base. This is achieved through a combination of talk and poster session, training events and a Collaboration Festival (CoFest) to bring new features to the service. Click on the banner for more information.
24 July 2023
Join us in Melbourne for the PWS Research Symposium. We'll be exploring genetics, -omics, neuroscience, neuropsychiatric behaviours, sleep, exercise, co-design and so much more! You're invited to a full-day of research talks on Monday, as well as the family BBQ on Sunday afternoon. Abstract submission is open, with dedicated opportunities for student talks.
Please click here for more information.
©2018 International Congress of Genetics 2023