Call for Symposia Proposals

We are pleased to invite proposals for specific symposia to form part of the Congress.  

The Congress program contains nine plenary addresses, each to be given by an exceptional geneticist to all the delegates gathered in Melbourne (see here for details of the international faculty).  Beyond the plenaries, the Congress will have six themes of nine symposia and associated poster sessions, covering the breadth of genetics and genomics.  

The six overarching themes of the 2023 Congress are:
• Genetics and Health
• Genetics and the Environment
• Genomics and Genomic Technologies
• Evolutionary Genetics
• Agricultural and Plant Genetics
• Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Genetics

We are seeking proposals for symposia in current topical areas of genetics that will form part of the scientific program and sit alongside other broader sessions to attract a truly global audience of over 1500 to the Congress.   

Each 120-minute symposium will consist of six oral presentations: 
• Two invited presentations (30 minutes each, including questions)
• Four presentations drawn from abstract submissions (15 minutes each, including questions)

Each symposium should be organised by two Co-Convenors, each from a different country in order to provide a global perspective on the topic. Only one of the two Co-Convenors may be proposed as an invited speaker.

Invited speakers will receive registration and a prescribed amount of travel support to attend the Congress.  The four presenters selected from abstracts will be required to register and pay to participate in the Congress. 

The written submission should include the following
• Symposium title
• Convenors (names, institutions, email addresses)
• Details of two speakers who have been contacted and confirmed to the Co-Convenors that they will commit to the Symposium should the submission be successful (speakers names, positions and organisations) 
• Details of two other prospective speakers. These individuals do not need to have been contacted, we are looking for an indication of both the quality and diversity of geneticists in this field.
• Description of session (maximum of 200 words) noting the theme of session, goals, and interest to broad audience.
• Program theme(s) in which the symposium could be placed.

All proposals will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committees and will be assessed by the following criteria: 

Scientific strength:
• Offers significant contributions to understanding of an area of genetics
• Represents an innovative area of current research
• Avoids taking a narrow representation on the topic (organisers carefully avoid perception of bias towards own perspective)
• Has broad enough appeal to assist in attracting strong participation in the Congress 

• Lists 2 confirmed invited speakers 
• Lists 2 prospective speakers 
• Involves scientists of diverse career stage, culture and gender


Submissions Close01 August 2022                                      
Notification of Outcome14 August 2022

Simply click the button below to access the online submission form.

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119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311

©2018 International Congress of Genetics 2023